Golf | SA golfer James Kante withdraws from Leopard Creek after caddie Covid positive

South African golfer James Kamte

South African golfer James Kamte

Shaun Roy/Sunshine Tour/Gallo Images

South African golfer James Kamte has been pulled out of the Alfred Dunhill Championship after his caddie tested positive for Covid-19.

The European Tour and Sunshine Tour withdrew Kamte ahead of Thursday’s opening round at Leopard Creek Country Club.

In accordance with South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases’ guidelines, Kamte and his caddie will both self-isolate for the prescribed period,” read their statement on Wednesday.

The wellbeing of the player and caddie is of utmost importance and they will be supported throughout that period by the European Tour and Sunshine Tour medical and event staff.

Kamte will now be replaced in the field by the first tournament reserve.

The four-time Sunshine Tour winner Kamte was looking to play his first European Tour event of the new schedule after missing last week’s Joburg Open.

– Compiled by Sport24 staff

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