Soccer | Orlando Pirates coach Zinnbauer heading home to Germany, club says 'he will be back'

Josef Zinnbauer (Gallo Images)

Josef Zinnbauer (Gallo Images)

Orlando Pirates have confirmed that their head coach Josef Zinnbauer has not resigned as confusion reigned on Saturday. 

Pirates outclassed Kaizer Chiefs in Saturday’s MTN8 semi-final first leg in Soweto, cruising to a hugely impressive 3-0 win

But, in the post-match press conferences, Zinnbauer dropped a bombshell by announcing that he would immediately be returning to Germany for personal reasons. 

That sparked some reports saying the coach had resigned, but Pirates cleared up the confusion in a statement on Saturday night. 

“ can confirm that the Club has granted the head coach leave to go home to Germany,” read the official club update.

“Unfortunately, out of respect for Mr Zinnbauer and his family we cannot divulge anything more except to say that his son is in hospital.

“The coach has requested for his family’s privacy to be respected during this difficult time.

“He will be back soon.”

– Compiled by Sport24 staff

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