
Young country diary: my dream day being a farmer

I wanted to be a young farmer for the day, because I find it hard to concentrate and stay still for long periods of time, but I find nature easy to enjoy. I also wanted to go to the farm because I love animals and want to become a zoologist. We had to clear the goat pen using wheelbarrows, pitchforks, brooms and shovels. It was fun, but hard work. After lunch we fed the goats. We fed the pigs, who were as hungry as possible. We threw food to a pig called Penelope while the others fed the other two pigs. We went into the sheep enclosure that had three new lambs. One tried to eat my coat! We went to tidy the muck heap using pitchforks. I tidied the horse poo pile. On the other side, however, the wind blew it down and it covered the path. As I left, I felt very tired. I enjoyed meeting new friends and animals. I think it was hard but fun being a farmer.
Tyler S Sheppard, 10


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