Arts and Design

Wrapped up in sustainability | Brief letters

Dyscalculia | The probation service | Sustainable wrappers | Art and design

A word of cheer to anyone saddened by Prof Brian Butterworth’s letter (20 September): dyscalculia being unheard of in the 1950s and 60s, I struggled miserably with maths at school. As a mature student, I achieved a BA in English literature and history, and later in life studied for an MA in history. Within words I swim as easily as an otter, and thankfully you don’t have to be able to read music in order to sing.
Rita Gallard

• Re your article (Ministers to pilot New York-style courts in reforms to sentencing, 16 September), 20 years ago we had a more personal and effective system – the probation service.
John Griffiths
Monmouth, Monmouthshire

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