
Whiskey Wednesday: How golfers should put ice in their whiskey, according to science

If you’re going for a quick dram at the turn, go with a lot of small ice

The smaller the ice, the colder the whiskey. The downside is that smaller ice also melts faster and therefore dilutes the whiskey. But, if you’re making the turn and want some quick and cold swing oil on a hot day, load up on the smaller pieces of ice.

If recovering from a toasty round, go with one big cube

Large ice doesn’t cool the whiskey as much as small cubes, according to Whisky Advocate’s findings, but dilutes it more slowly. So if you walk off the course after a hot day and in the 19th hole to enjoy a not time-sensitive glass of whiskey, one big cube will both cool it, while allowing you to enjoy it slowly.

For slightly cold, non-diluted whiskey, go with whiskey stones

One of the most surprising findings in Whisky Advocate‘s article was about whiskey stones. They succeed in both lowering the temperature of the whiskey and not diluting the spirit, but they won’t lower the temperature significantly. So, if you’re looking for a bit of a chilled experience, that’s where they can come in handy.


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