
Whether Bicycle Riders Will Still Get Conked By Car Doors Being Opened Even In An Era Of AI Self-Driving Cars

This happens in real life.

A bike rider was cruising along on a nice sunny day. Riding a bicycle while in city traffic is always a dicey proposition. Cars often inadvertently weave directly toward bike riders or veer precariously into reserved bike lanes and pinch or endanger the cyclists therein.

Most of the time, a cyclist is watching the cars that are in motion. That would seem the prudent focus of attention. A moving vehicle can quickly bear down toward a bike rider. All it takes is a split second and a horrific life-threatening collision can result.

There is though another menace awaiting the unsuspecting bike rider.

In one word: Dooring.

You’ve likely seen dooring depicted in movies and TV shows. Perhaps you’ve witnessed a dooring event or possibly encountered one directly.

Dooring is an abysmal situation when a car door is opened and a bike rider collides with the door or otherwise suffers a vehicular-related injury or worse as a result of the door-related incident. It could be that the bike rider rams into the open door and then goes flying off their bicycle. There are bound to be injuries due to the collision with the door and the subsequent smacking onto the street after being briefly airborne.

The potential for injury doesn’t end with the initial collision itself. There is also a chance that the bike rider will end up stranded amid traffic. Thus, cars zipping along might run into or even run over the thrown bike rider. These secondary cascading effects can be just as bad or possibly even worse than whatever trauma occurred upon striking the open door.

Legally, here’s an example of what the law typically says, in this case via the California DMV Vehicle Code section 22517: “No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of such traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.”

It seems doubtful that most people would know word-for-word that particular law, but a semblance of common sense would seem to be sufficient to realize that you ought not to open a car door unless it is safe to do so. You would think that people would intrinsically know that seemingly obvious fact. If you open a car door and don’t do so mindfully, bad things can happen.

Unfortunately, having such a rule of thumb in mind at all times when opening a car door is not necessarily in the cards. A passenger might be thinking of ten other things. Maybe they are late for an appointment. Perhaps they are thinking about work. The passenger could be eager to get out of the vehicle, doing so after a lengthy car trip. All in all, it is easy to swing open a car door and just do so without an iota of consideration for what might happen next.

Of course, the absent-minded door opening act could be done not just by passengers, but directly by the driver too. A driver might just as likely open their driver’s side car door and do so without anticipating the traffic situation as would a passenger. We would normally assume that the driver should be more conscious of what the traffic is. As the driver, they presumably are alert to how traffic is flowing.

Nonetheless, a driver might open their door and produce a dooring incident. It can happen. It does happen. Statistics on such incidents are somewhat spotty on the specific instances of dooring and oftentimes simply get lumped into bicyclist-related car collision accidents. Some counts suggest that perhaps 10% to 15% of bike collisions encompass a dooring event (see my collection of car collision stats at this link here).

Dooring is a worldwide problem.

On an international basis, the Vienna Convention provides this rule known as Article 24 which is similar to the California DMV language: “It shall be prohibited to open the door of a vehicle, to leave it open, or to alight from the vehicle without having made sure that to do so cannot endanger other road users.”

One key aspect to keep in mind is that there is the sudden act of opening a car door, which is one type of dooring, and then there is the act of leaving a car door open for a prolonged period. It is easy to think that if a door is ajar for any sustained period of time, certainly a bike rider won’t ram into it. The bike rider ought to presumably notice that the door is open and take preemptive maneuvers to avoid striking into it.

Yes, there might be more time available and the door might be earlier noticed, but the options of what to do might be without much viable recourse. The bike rider could consider jamming on their bike brakes and try to come to a halt before ramming into the open door. The effort to use your bike brakes in this manner is problematic and you might go flying off your bike in the very act of trying to avoid striking the open door.

Another presumed possibility is that the bike rider can swerve away from the open door. Consider though the potential options at hand. You can steer into moving traffic and take your chances that a car underway will run you over or you can proceed into the open car door and hope for a “better” outcome. This is one of those tough choices in life between the lesser of two evils.

Neither choice is desirable.

Bike riders are classified as VRUs (vulnerable roadway users). This is official terminology that reminds us of the dangers for anyone that perchance comes around or into contact with cars and other vehicles on our streets and highways. A pedestrian is also considered a VRU. VRUs are all at the potential mercy of our car-centric infrastructure. Dangers lurk at every nook and cranny.

This brings up an interesting point. We usually consider the person that opened the car door to be the one that is most at fault for what happens during a dooring event. Turns out there is likely plenty of faults to go around in such incidents.

Though the bike rider is rarely considered at fault, that is a possibility. I know that notion rankles most bike riders. They would assert that there is never an occasion where a dooring event could be construed as the fault of the cyclist. Without getting into that rather heated and acrimonious debate, let’s just say that it is remotely possible that a bike rider could have been lax in their bike riding and ended up engulfed in a dooring event that they otherwise could have been averted.

As earlier mentioned, the car driver could be the one that opened their car door and thus led to the dooring incident. We can look at the car driver for having a different form of fault or responsibility in these matters. Perhaps the car driver has parked the vehicle in a place or situation that has increased the odds of a dooring circumstance.

For example, a driver of a ridesharing vehicle opts to come to a quick stop at a curb that is just at the corner of a busy street. In a sense, the driver is subtly and silently signaling to the passenger that this is the right spot to get out of the vehicle. The passenger assumes that the driver has chosen a safe place for a disembarking action. In that way of thinking, the passenger swings open their door.

Bang, a bicyclist that came around the corner rams into the wide-open door.

Was this the fault of the driver that led the passenger into a kind of hidden trap?

For my discussion about the difficulties of deciding upon suitable PUDO (pick-up, drop-off) selections, see the link here.

You might fervently argue that no matter what the driver does or doesn’t do, this in no way excuses the dolt of a passenger that opted to open their car door without first making sure the coast was clear. On the other hand, you could counterargue that the passenger was relying upon the skill and professionalism of the car driver to ensure that exiting from the vehicle could be done without any danger or harm.

One clever notion about opening car doors is to always make use of the so-called Dutch reach. As popularized by the Dutch, the idea is that you should form a habit of opening a car door via your other hand, the one furthest from the door itself. By grasping the internal door handle via your other arm and hand, you are forcing yourself into making a bodily twisting motion. In the midst of this twisting motion, you will hopefully be reminded to look over your shoulder before you open that potentially bike-rider colliding door.

It’s a cool idea.

The practicality of it is somewhat less convincing. Will people that use this trick become used to it and therefore form a habit that fails to include the looking-outward part of the chore? You might argue that this clever ploy only should be used when the traffic conditions seem to spur such a precaution. This though then leaves the possibility that it isn’t employed when the right moment, or shall we say the wrong moment, actually arises.

On top of that, we need to consider whether a passenger that opens a door is going to have a sufficient perspective to gauge whether the door opening is a free and clear act. Some passengers admittedly don’t look at all. They just open that darned door, heck or high water. The next level of awareness entails making a quick peek at the traffic. I’d bet that most passengers are looking for any cars or trucks, more so than a cyclist. The general belief likely being that the passenger is watching for their own skin and they know that if they open the door and a car or truck sideswipes the door, it could be curtains for the passenger.

Only a tinier fraction of passengers is likely looking out for bike riders. Again, whether they are doing so for the sake of the cyclist or their own neck is somewhat in question. A passenger might swing open the door, realize they are endangering a bike rider, and decide not to close the door but instead just slump back into the car to avoid getting hit.

It would seem that a passenger that carefully scans for a bike rider and opts to open a car door, only after fully believing that there is no bike rider within eye distance, would be a somewhat rare bird. And, not wanting to seem gloomy, even that instance has a chance of still catching a bike rider into the door.

Why so?

Bike riders can be moving very fast.

They can also be hard to see.

A cyclist is relatively thin from a heads-on viewpoint and when coming at a vehicle on the side the cyclist is usually not easy to see. There is also a decided time factor involved in the effort of performing the door opening and getting out of the vehicle. You might while inside the car be able to glance and see that no bike riders seem to be nearby. You then take a second or two to go ahead and open the car door.

You then undo your seatbelt and start to swing your body to get out of the vehicle.

This could take a few additional seconds.

Let’s suppose that the whole act of opening the car door and getting out of the vehicle is around five to maybe ten seconds in length. This doesn’t even include the possible added time for perhaps saying some parting remarks to the driver, or for possibly reaching into the vehicle to grab your smartphone that has fallen out of your pocket while seated in the car. There are gobs of reasons that the timing of getting out of the car could be extended.

If we do some quick calculations, a bike rider that is proceeding at a modest speed of 10 miles per hour would go a distance of about 150 feet in roughly ten seconds. Let’s use an approximation that an average car length is about 15 feet. This means that the bike rider would be potentially around 10 car lengths behind the vehicle that is in the act of having the door opened.

Could a passenger readily see outside the vehicle and a distance of about ten car lengths to detect whether a bike rider is approaching?

This is dubious in any kind of busy city setting. There are likely lots of other distractions and obstructions that render this kind of detection extremely arduous. Envision lots of cars and trucks streaming past the car that has this keenly observing passenger. Pedestrians are walking around and near the car. Parked cars are nearby. All in all, this is a very cluttered scene.

While we are still on the hunt for who might be at fault in dooring events, one supposes that we could include into the ragtag bunch the street planners and roadway engineers too. It is conceivable that the place that the car has stopped to allow for disembarking was not carefully designed or devised for this ancillary purpose. The driver might claim that they were enticed into stopping at that position. The passenger might insist they relied upon the driver and the roadway infrastructure design as a means to make a decision to open the car door.


One supposes that the best approach to avoiding dooring would consist of never getting out of a car toward any semblance of street traffic. For example, always slide over to the sidewalk side of the vehicle and get out there. This lamentably can be nearly impossible for car drivers in vehicles of today that pretty much always have bucket seats rather than bench-style seating.

Passengers need to be more aware of the dangers of dooring. Trying to educate passengers is an uphill climb. Any awareness programs are usually in one ear and out the other (this is not dissing those attempts, only pointing out that there is a hefty decay rate of remembering to avoid dooring).

Car drivers need to be on their toes too. Do not park or stop in a place and time that might be conducive to a dooring incident, since this heightens the risks of such an occurrence. Furthermore, it would sure be nice if the car driver cautioned the passenger about getting out of the vehicle and proffered ways to do so as safely as feasible.

Bike riders have to be watching for all kinds of dangers, including dooring. Savvy cyclists tend to glance into the windows of cars up ahead of them that are parked and appear to be stationary. The hope is that you might see the head of someone in the vehicle or movement therein and deduce that they soon might abruptly open a door. In addition, you need to watch for the slightest movement of a car door, which will be an early clue that the door might be opening up.

Adding to this harsh burden, the cyclist should be continually analyzing the activities around them. Did a car just pull over to a stop, and if so, this could spell a dooring incident in the making? If a dooring begins to emerge, what options are available to avoid the collision? The sooner that the cyclist is cognizant of a dooring potential, the better their chances of taking evasive actions beforehand.

In terms of the roadway designers and street planners, the hope by urban mobility experts is that the cyclists and those ubiquitous cars ought to be kept apart as much as possible, doing so by the nature of the roadway infrastructure. This is easier said than done. Many of our cities are faced with a space crunch and a budget crunch that makes trying to separate bikers from cars a challenging proposal.

Speaking of cars, the future of cars consists of AI-based true self-driving cars.

Allow me to briefly elaborate on this point and then tie things to the topic of dooring.

There isn’t a human driver involved in a true self-driving car. Keep in mind that true self-driving cars are driven via an AI driving system. There isn’t a need for a human driver at the wheel, and nor is there a provision for a human to drive the vehicle. For my extensive and ongoing coverage of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and especially self-driving cars, see the link here.

Here’s an intriguing question that is worth pondering: Will dooring still occur in an era of AI-based true self-driving cars or will AI driving systems stridently ensure that dooring never happens again?

A recent online posting of an interview with Waymo’s Eric Deng, a product manager focused on autonomous driving in the context of cyclists and also micro-mobility devices, eloquently illuminates the importance of self-driving cars being infused with dooring awareness: “Dooring occurs when a vehicle is pulled over and ready to pull out back onto the road, and a cyclist is traveling on the road to the vehicle’s left, passengers exiting the vehicle may not be aware of potential cyclists which could be coming from behind.” And per his remarks: “At the end of the day, we are focused on helping to ensure that the cars we operate in the real world exhibit the right behaviors around cyclists and micro-mobility users.”

Before jumping into some crucial overarching details about dooring, I’d like to further clarify what is meant when I refer to true self-driving cars.

Understanding The Levels Of Self-Driving Cars

As a clarification, true self-driving cars are ones that the AI drives the car entirely on its own and there isn’t any human assistance during the driving task.

These driverless vehicles are considered Level 4 and Level 5 (see my explanation at this link here), while a car that requires a human driver to co-share the driving effort is usually considered at Level 2 or Level 3. The cars that co-share the driving task are described as being semi-autonomous, and typically contain a variety of automated add-on’s that are referred to as ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems).

There is not yet a true self-driving car at Level 5, which we don’t yet even know if this will be possible to achieve, and nor how long it will take to get there.

Meanwhile, the Level 4 efforts are gradually trying to get some traction by undergoing very narrow and selective public roadway trials, though there is controversy over whether this testing should be allowed per se (we are all life-or-death guinea pigs in an experiment taking place on our highways and byways, some contend, see my coverage at this link here).

Since semi-autonomous cars require a human driver, the adoption of those types of cars won’t be markedly different than driving conventional vehicles, so there’s not much new per se to cover about them on this topic (though, as you’ll see in a moment, the points next made are generally applicable).

For semi-autonomous cars, it is important that the public needs to be forewarned about a disturbing aspect that’s been arising lately, namely that despite those human drivers that keep posting videos of themselves falling asleep at the wheel of a Level 2 or Level 3 car, we all need to avoid being misled into believing that the driver can take away their attention from the driving task while driving a semi-autonomous car.

You are the responsible party for the driving actions of the vehicle, regardless of how much automation might be tossed into a Level 2 or Level 3.

Self-Driving Cars And Dooring Events

For Level 4 and Level 5 true self-driving vehicles, there won’t be a human driver involved in the driving task.

All occupants will be passengers.

The AI is doing the driving.

One aspect to immediately discuss entails the fact that the AI involved in today’s AI driving systems is not sentient. In other words, the AI is altogether a collective of computer-based programming and algorithms, and most assuredly not able to reason in the same manner that humans can.

Why this added emphasis about the AI not being sentient?

Because I want to underscore that when discussing the role of the AI driving system, I am not ascribing human qualities to the AI. Please be aware that there is an ongoing and dangerous tendency these days to anthropomorphize AI. In essence, people are assigning human-like sentience to today’s AI, despite the undeniable and inarguable fact that no such AI exists as yet.

With that clarification, you can envision that the AI driving system won’t natively somehow “know” about the facets of driving. Driving and all that it entails will need to be programmed as part of the hardware and software of the self-driving car.

Let’s dive into the myriad of aspects that come to play on this topic.

First, an important clarification about the gradual advent of self-driving cars would be insightful for this discussion. Some pundits seem to suggest that there will be an overnight switchover from conventional human-driven cars to self-driving cars. This is portrayed as a seamless activity that miraculously somehow does away with conventional cars and replaces them with self-driving cars.

Seems like nonsense.

There are about 275 million conventional cars in the United States alone and they are not going anywhere. Do not visualize them as elephants that will disappear off the stage akin to a magic show.

The odds are that a build-up toward using self-driving cars will take many years to occur, on the order of likely decades. Inch by inch, conventional cars will be gradually retired or junked. Inch by inch, the proportion of self-driving cars on public roadways will rise in comparison to the number of conventional cars.

We don’t know that conventional cars will entirely be tossed aside, even after a lengthy time period of transition from human driving to autonomous driving. Exhortations by some drivers are that you will take away their driving privileges only when you pry their cold dead hands from the steering wheel. A counterargument about that kind of stubbornness is that if self-driving cars do away with the foibles of human driving, and ergo the number of car crashes and fatalities can be lowered, perhaps human driving will be revoked and no humans will be permitted to drive in public lands (being allowed to drive presumably on private lands, for sake of hobbies, general interest, etc.).

Anyway, the main point here is that in terms of dooring events, there are still going to be human-driven cars on the roadway. You cannot dreamily wish them to vanish into thin air. This also means that those human drivers, when getting out of their cars when they come to a halt will potentially still invoke a dooring situation. It will happen.

In addition, this also means that passengers riding in a human-driven car will still be able to do a dooring event. Regardless of whether it is the driver’s fault or the passenger’s fault, the same status we have today could pretty much take place in an era of self-driving car prevalence.

Okay, but maybe we can have solace in the notion that the AI driving systems will not incur the dooring events.

One obvious piece of logic is that if there isn’t a human driver, there isn’t a chance of the driver opening the door and conking a cyclist.

Well, maybe yes, maybe no.

Here’s the rub.

Some AI self-driving cars are anticipated to have the AI driving system undertake a wide range of tasks, beyond simply driving the autonomous vehicle. For example, the AI driving system might be mechanically able to open the car doors. When a human passenger walks up to the self-driving car, it will welcome the person by opening the car door for them. Upon finishing a driving journey, the AI driving system might open the door to let the passenger out of the car.

In that manner of approach, this suggests that a dooring event could still occur and be undertaken or sparked via the driver, though in this use case it is the AI driving system. Oddly, we find ourselves in the same kind of predicament as the onerous case of the human driver. In some respects, maybe worse so because the AI driving system could presumably open any and all car doors.

Envision that the self-driving car has four passengers. Arriving at the designated destination to drop off the passengers, the AI driving system opens all four car doors. All at once. You now have quite a frightening dooring event primed and ready to happen.

The saving grace would be that the AI driving system would assuredly be programmed to look around the self-driving car before opening the doors. Self-driving cars will be outfitted with a sensor suite consisting of video cameras, radar, LIDAR, ultrasonic units, thermal imagining, and other related devices. These can be used to capture data of the surroundings. Via the use of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), the data can be scanned to try and detect any nearby bike riders.

Unlike a human driver that opts to open the car door, the AI driving system would do this on a more systematic basis. All of the time. Humans are not quite as reliable and consistent at such a task.

Furthermore, the AI driving system would be doing the same for the passengers, in terms of checking to make sure the chances of a dooring event are slim. A human driver might or might not decide to look around and forewarn any passengers. The AI driving system ought to be programmed to do this without any hesitation and provide a green light of sorts to the passengers when they can disembark.

Some argue that self-driving cars should even be able to keep the doors closed, despite any passenger attempt to open a car door. The belief is that if a passenger tries to open a car door, yet imagine that the AI driving system has informed them not to do so, the AI driving system can override the human passenger and refuse to let the door open. This would seem to protect the upcoming cyclist in an instance of a potential dooring event and likewise protect the passenger from potential injury too.

The idea that the AI driving system could utterly refuse to open a car door and countermand a human passenger is crazy talk for some. We ought not to have AI that won’t do what a human says to do, they decry. Suppose for example the passenger has a dire reason to get out of the self-driving car and the AI driving system is refusing to allow the urgent exit. Bad stuff.


There are a lot more twists and turns involved.

To what degree will the sensors be able to properly detect a cyclist that is approaching the self-driving car?

You cannot assume that this is a foolproof method of always spotting a cyclist. Obstructions and other factors could reduce the probability that the sensors will catch the quickly moving cyclist.

One hope is that we will eventually have widely adopted electronic devices to have a bike-to-car communication link. Similar to V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) or V2P (vehicle-to-pedestrian) electronic communications, a cyclist will have a device on their person or perhaps mounted onto the bike that transmits an electronic beacon alerting cars about the presence of the underway cyclist.

Will the AI driving system judiciously park the autonomous vehicle in a suitable place to avoid the chances of a dooring event?

Some would say that the AI developers have enough on their plate right now of getting self-driving cars to go from point A to point B safely. Concerns about where to best stop or halt the vehicle for a disembarking passenger are a lower priority and ranked by some as an edge or corner case (meaning it will be dealt with later on).

Another twist is that the AI driving system ought to warn passersby when the car doors are being opened. Perhaps the flashers of the car are switched on or the horn is honked, occurring automatically by the AI driving system.

Returning to the earlier point that we will still have human drivers, there is even a twist about that otherwise seemingly gloomy element regarding the continuance of dooring events. The odds are that a lot of the high-tech gadgetry used on self-driving cars will be brought over into conventional cars too, see my discussion at this link here.

Thus, if there are special features invented for self-driving cars about avoiding dooring, those might be transferred over into human-driven cars too.

The bottom line for bike riders is that you will need to always keep your eyes open and your wits about you. As long as cars and bicycles can mingle together on our streets, the specter of dooring will remain a formidable foe. You might be a bit more reassured once there are a lot of self-driving cars roaming around but do not let your guard completely down.

Humans need to be watchful, even when AI is doing the driving.


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