
Two years since Dobbs: How to help both mother and child

What does it look like to care for moms and babies two years into this Dobbs era?

If you ask the abortion industry, they will most likely self-proclaim a focus on “empowering” women with the “right to choose.” But what’s the choice?

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Research showing the reasons why women seek abortions can be summarized in the following categories: no plan, concern for health and well-being, can’t afford a baby or a baby interferes with education or career goals, need for material or legal help, a mental health issue or abusive partner, receiving a prenatal diagnosis, or the stress of parenting.

To these complex and very distinct reasons, the abortion industry has only one answer: abortion. Conveniently for them, this answer also comes with a price tag. It builds their bottom line and makes a profit, but that comes at the expense of the woman they claim to empower – and her unborn child.

In stark contrast, the pro-life movement responds to each of these circumstances and whatever else a pregnant mother in need may be facing with tangible resources and sevenfold support. In fact, the reasons women seek abortions informed Her PLAN’s seven categories of care. These categories of care encompass organizations that walk alongside a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy or a mom experiencing difficult circumstances and offer her comprehensive support and a community that will be there for her when no one else will.

The loving care and trusted services pregnancy centers, maternity homes, food pantries, thrift stores, and other life-affirming organizations offer are widespread, reliable, and essential. These organizations and countless other ministries make up the pro-life safety net that encompasses everything from medical, social, and material support to legal assistance, job training resources, childcare, counseling, after-abortion healing resources, housing, education support, and more.

This robust community of care and safety net of support exists because countless individuals in states across the country have stepped up and said yes to serving their community’s most vulnerable moms and babies. Each one of us has an opportunity – and a responsibility – to do the same. Every community is unique and every individual – whether a pastor, church leader, parent, student, women’s group leader, mechanic, or small business owner – can use their gifts and talents to help moms and babies.

This summer, Her PLAN is equipping individuals across the country with five simple steps to serve and support their local pregnancy centers, food pantries, thrift stores, and other life-affirming organizations. The need has never been greater, and we hope individuals and community leaders will take the first step this summer to donate, volunteer, or offer prayer support for these organizations that help vulnerable moms and their babies when they need it most.

Following the Dobbs Supreme Court leak two years ago, more than 85 pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations have been vandalized or attacked, simply because they live out their belief that women deserve better than abortion by offering women and families tangible resources, real choices, and hope. Although they continue to be attacked, belittled, and misrepresented, these organizations remain steadfast in their dedication and faithful service to moms and babies. They deserve our respect, and they urgently need our support.

Each mom and each baby have inherent, irreplaceable dignity and are worthy of compassionate care and a community of support that empowers them to thrive. Each one of us has unique gifts to offer and a special place to serve in the pro-life safety net if only we choose to step off the sidelines and say yes.

Two years into the Dobbs era, this is what helping them both – building a culture of life – looks like.

Autumn Christensen is the Executive Director at Her PLAN.


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