
Reducing Polarization Through Critical Thinking and Common Ground

Too often lately what people deem “news” is in the eye of the beholder. A reliance on legitimate, substantiated, and objective facts and information can’t compete with a catchy Tweet, a “hot take,” or a comforting blurb that comports with our opinions – regardless of any potential bias.

An unfortunate and inevitable byproduct of this? A rise in polarization across America.

Large swaths of the population are finding it more difficult to listen to – let alone seek out – someone who does not agree with them. The ability of citizens and leaders to compromise and find common ground has always been central to a robust and thriving democracy. That requires listening to and engaging with ideas one might not understand or agree with. This is a central tenet of critical thinking: The ability to expand your perspective by looking at problems in different ways, from different vantage points. This is particularly important when working with others.

But that’s not happening in America today: Our recent survey saw a 26-percent drop in the number of people who said they “seek out people who tend to have different opinions than me to engage in discussion or debate.” Social media appear partly to blame. A survey Reboot conducted in 2021 found that 20 percent of participants reported that social media had a negative impact on their relationships with others, and 27 percent said social media has made them “less tolerant” of people who have opposing points of view.

What are the ramifications for a society in which people are choosing to disengage with those who have differing ideas or opinions?

Joseph Bubman, founder and executive director of Urban Rural Action, is an expert on this very topic. Urban Rural Action brings Americans together across political, ethnic, and income divides to discuss the country’s most urgent challenges. The organization’s goal is to help bridge political chasms by helping people see other points of view through dialogue and the building of media literacy and critical thinking skills.

“Many Americans demonize those with whom they disagree, and few people try to engage those with different perspectives,” Bubman said. “Instead, we seek out information that validates our existing views and we associate with folks who have similar perspectives, exacerbating societal polarization.”

The divisiveness and extremism in America today is fueled by a range of social, political, and economic causes, Bubman noted, adding that Reboot’s most recent survey yielded some significant findings:

  • Poor media literacy has serious consequences for democracy. It makes us more susceptible to believing erroneous information and more open to receiving it from questionable sources. In fact, 25 percent of Reboot’s survey participants expressed views that left them open to believing conspiracy theories.
  • When people stop talking to those with opposing views, an essential part of healthy critical thinking is lost.

Making a deliberate effort to acknowledge our biases is an important start. So, too, is understanding the distinction between “critical thinking,” which requires specific steps and skills, versus “free thinking” or “independent thinking,” which can sometimes reflect opinion and attitude more than rational and deliberate thought processes.

“Overcoming toxic polarization requires intentional efforts that bring together Americans with different lived experiences and perspectives to build relationships, strengthen dialogue and critical thinking skills, explore different perspectives, and take action on issues of shared concern,” Bubman said.

An objective understanding of the current events shaping people’s lives – from the pandemic to elections – is essential to mitigating polarization. That means now, schools and community groups must advocate for more and better media literacy – especially when it comes to social media.

“We’re seeing that too many Americans struggle to make sense of the overwhelming amount of information that they are bombarded with every day,” Bubman said.

A number of organizations are working to make gains in promoting efforts to help Americans distinguish fact from fiction, and to better detect disinformation and misinformation. Meanwhile, conversation and common ground may be the other cure to the toxic polarization that is re-shaping the nation’s current landscape.

Bubman’s group too often sees people who struggle to engage in challenging conversations with those who hold different views.

“Those discussions often result in frustration and damaged relationships,” he said. “If Americans strengthen their constructive dialogue skills, they can increase the respect they have for others and enhance their understanding of views with which they may disagree.”

Talking with people who think differently, feel differently, and have different life experiences broadens our horizons, informs our opinions, and strengthens our communities. Choosing to self-segregate opens the door open to polarization. The good news is that it’s not too late or too difficult to close that door – as long as people are willing to make a conscious effort to do so.


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