
NSRI issues shark alert for Cape St Francis

Swimmers and beachgoers have been cautioned after shark activity was reported along the Cape St Francis coastline.

Swimmers and beachgoers have been cautioned after shark activity was reported along the Cape St Francis coastline.

Ullstein Bild / Getty Images

Swimmers and beachgoers have been cautioned after shark activity was reported along the Cape St Francis coastline.

According National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) spokesperson Craig Lambinon, a number of sharks – believed to be white sharks – have been spotted in the surfline at Cape St Francis’ main beach for swimmers.

“This is an urgent cautionary appeal to bathers and surfers specifically at Cape St Francis’ main swimming beach,” Lambinon said.

“Lifeguards and NSRI St Francis Bay crew… appeal to bathers not to enter the water at the Cape St Francis main beach over this weekend.”

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Swimmers, paddlers and surfers along the coastline up to Tsitsikamma and Port Elizabeth should also be cautious.

“Increased inshore shark activity is normal at this time of the year. The reasons for the greater number of sharks present at Cape St Francis’ main swimming beach is not known although it may be related to the normal inshore shark behaviour that happens at this time of the year,” Lambinon said.

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