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No country is immune from terrorist attacks | READER COMMENTARY

Ironically, on the same day that Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-sponsored United Nations resolution calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, there was a horrific attack at a concert hall in Moscow (“Russia’s top state investigative agency says the death toll in the Moscow concert hall attack has risen to 133,” March 25) with preliminary estimates of over 250 people killed or injured. The similarities between the attacks targeting concert venues in Moscow and Israel are striking.

Although ISIS-K, the apparent perpetrator in Moscow, and Hamas are not related, they use similar tactics and both are militant, fundamentalist religious groups bent on destroying western societies. While Hamas is focused on the Middle East, ISIS has global aspirations. Both groups are on the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations. Clearly, the world needs to wake up to the reality that no place is immune to destructive attacks by terrorist groups acting under the cover of religious ideology.

— Beryl Rosenstein, Pikesville

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