Golf | World No 1 Dustin Johnson pulls out of 2nd straight golf tournament

Dustin Johnson

Dustin Johnson

Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images via AFP

World No 1 Dustin Johnson has pulled out of this week’s ZoZo Championship in Los Angeles, the second straight event he has withdrawn from after testing positive for the new coronavirus.

The 36-year-old Johnson is recovering after experiencing some Covid-19 symptoms but is still not well enough to resume playing competitive golf, his agent David Winkle said.

“While he is feeling much better, he is still a bit low on energy and feels it would be best to wait and resume his schedule in Houston,” Winkle told Golfweek.

American Johnson also withdrew from last week’s CJ Cup tournament in Las Vegas. If he continues to get better, his next event will be the Houston Open at Memorial Park Golf Course on 5-8 November.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the ZoZo Championship was moved to the Sherwood Country Club near Los Angeles after making its debut in Japan last year. Tiger Woods is the defending champion.

The PGA Tour’s next event is the Bermuda Championship from 29 October -1 November.

Johnson took over No 1 in the world in August with a victory at the Northern Trust tournament.

The 2016 US Open winner finished tied for second at the 2020 PGA Championship in August at San Francisco.

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