Soccer | Pitso Mosimane makes history, bags 2nd CAF Champions League title

New Al Ahly head coach Pitso Mosimane.

New Al Ahly head coach Pitso Mosimane.

Pitso Mosimane made history on Friday as he clinched his second CAF Champions League title after his side, Al Ahly defeated Zamalek at Cairo International Stadium.

A late goal from Mohamed ‘Afsha’ Magdy gave Al Ahly a dramatic 2-1 victory over Zamalek in an all-Egyptian final.

Magdy struck the title-winning goal in extra-time after Amr el Soleya had given Ahly an early lead and ‘Shikabala’ scored a magnificent equaliser before half-time.

Mosimane picks up his second Champions League winners’ medal after his 2016 success with Mamelodi Sundowns.

More to follow…

– Compiled by Sport24 staff

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