Soccer | CAF postpone Champions League semi-final, final

Soccer ball (Photo by Mike Kireev/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Soccer ball (Photo by Mike Kireev/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

The CAF Champions League semi-final return match between Zamalek of Egypt and Raja Casablanca of Morocco has been postponed from 1 November to a date to be decided, CAF said Thursday.

Many of the Raja squad have tested positive for the coronavirus, leaving only 10 fit players, an official of the Casablanca club told AFP.

Zamalek lead 1-0 from the first leg in Casablanca with Moroccan Achraf Bencharki scoring the only goal midway through the first half.

CAF also announced that the final between Zamalek or Raja and Al Ahly of Egypt, scheduled for an Egyptian venue on November 6, has been postponed indefinitely.

Covid-19 has wreaked havoc with the two-leg semi-finals and single-match final of the elite African club competition, originally set for last May.

The matches were rescheduled for September, then put back again to October and November.

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