Soccer | Bayern to host Atletico despite Gnabry's positive Covid test – UEFA

Serge Gnabry (Getty Images)

Serge Gnabry (Getty Images)

UEFA have confirmed to AFP that Wednesday’s Champions League clash between holders Bayern Munich and Atletico Madrid will go ahead “as planned” despite Serge Gnabry testing positive for the coronavirus.

Gnabry had taken part in the German club’s training session Tuesday — along with 24 other members of the Bayern squad — before being quarantined.

There were fears the match would be postponed if other Munich players had been infected.

However, additional tests of the rest of the Bayern squad on Wednesday morning all returned negative results.

The local health authority in Munich, who have checked people who came into contact with Gnabry, also reportedly raised no objections to the match taking place.

The game at Munich’s Allianz Arena will take place behind closed doors.

Gnabry is the first Bayern Munich player to have tested positive with the coronavirus.

Kingsley Coman went into domestic quarantine in mid-September after he had contact with someone infected with the virus.


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