
10 Reasons To Be Excited About Video Games In 2020 – WhatCulture

Despite many years of gaming bliss, 2020 has the potential to dwarf all that came before. There are countless reasons to be excited – new games, gadgets, and a whole new generation of console hardware. We are all no doubt enjoying the last remnants of the current cycle, when developers have mastered current technology and can produce quality games left, right, and centre.

Think back to the end of the previous generation, when GTA 5 landed and became the game that would seemingly last forever – when The Last Of Us dropped and raised the bar to never-before-seen levels of quality. All this because developers had cracked the code; knowing how to draw every last drop of power from the machines they had worked on for years.

Indeed, we are right amongst that ‘Goldilocks zone’ for the current systems, and have no reason to doubt that trend will continue.

The following list of reasons to be excited is by no means everything great coming this year, but it’s a start, and will definitely whet your appetite for all that’s possible.

Let me know your own picks down in the comments below.


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